Tuesday, March 4, 2014

We're going to THAILAND!

As I sit on the ferry en route to the South Island of New Zealand, I think back in amazement that this journey has already brought me so far; mentally AND physically. I have realized so much and appreciate this life that is truly what we make of it. Our plans have changed so much since we initially started our journey and I couldn’t be happier with where they are headed.

We have officially planned the next leg of our trip, and where we will spend my birthday- BANGKOK.
Happy. Birthday. To. ME!!!

Because once you are on the other side of the world, what’s the rush?

Our plans to date:
  • March 5 – March 19: South Island, New Zealand
  • March 20 – April 22: Australia [Tough Mudder, March 23]
  • April 22 – Undecided: Thailand
We can only spend one month in Thailand per visa rules so from there, we aren’t sure where we are headed. It all depends on what flights are right and if we will need visas or not.

Please email us if there are any places we should see while in Australia and Thailand- as we both have never been. Even more so- where we should head after since that will be up in the air until we leave Australia.
