Sunday, April 20, 2014

Less than 24 hours left in Australia, and this is my Thank You.

About a month ago when we first arrived in Australia, I posted on Facebook about the wonderful hosts we were staying with surrounding the Tough Mudder. The inspirational notes left around the house and huge hugs as we said our goodbyes made quite the impact to both Adam and myself. We have now found ourselves back at Chris and Noel’s home to close out our trip in comfort and relaxation. In a way, it feels like we’re home.

We were able to settle right in, use the same food storage box we used when we started, and make our way to our room. For me- this means more than just a place to stay. This has been the longest time I have ever been away from home. I graduated college, bought my house and went from living at my parents to living 15 minutes away. Yes, I may have traveled a ton for work, but it was a maximum of 8 days at once; not three months.

We have come back to a familiar place. We know where the pots and pans are, we know the sound of the animals early in the morning, and we know the place we are in is home to two of the most wonderful people we have come across.

Picture of a picture of Chris & Noel!
Chris & Noel- We will forever be thankful for your open arms and smiling faces. Your hearts are filled with so much love and we love you for that! We are sad we never were able to get a photo with you, so we took one of the photo you already had framed HAHA!

After traveling around a bit, we started our HelpX work for stay experience. Here is where we met Harvey and Jane- two more hearts of gold. They came over for dinner and after a bit of conversation, they opened their home to host us if we made our way back to Melbourne before we left. Sometimes we just have to sit back and think, is this real life!? Can people REALLY be so welcoming and kind? Well, they are!

We stayed in contact and after a week of camping in the pouring rain, we made our way to their house in Melbourne for some warmth, shower, and a comfortable bed. What we were greeted with and received was so much more. As soon as we arrived, Jane, Lara [daughter], Alex [Lara’s boyfriend] & Simon [son] were cooking up a delicious stir-fry while Harvey was absent due to playing a late game of squash. We filled our bowls, grabbed our seats and talked with everyone- it was so comfortable and felt like we have known this family for a while. Everyone is so interesting in their own way. It was awesome to hear about Lara’s incredible travel stories, Alex’s off roading Subaru [Adam loved it!], and Simons interest in sports and adventure. Lara photographs her journeys to different countries so beautifully we really felt like we were there while flipping through. Awesome people.
Melbourne, Australia
We stayed with Harvey & Jane for 3 nights and we truly just wanted to spend more time with them. Coming originally from Zimbabwe and spending time living in South Africa, these two individuals were intriguing to us and the more we talked to them, the more that escalated. Harvey can tell a story in a way that just captivates you. Jane can make you smile and laugh with just about anything she says- you know those people who can just bring a smile to your face? She’s one of them. And the relationship that Harvey and Jane has is so wonderful. I hope Adam and I complement each other as much as they do!  

The second night we stayed with them, we all [minus Lara- she was out on a research trip] went to a DELICIOUS Indian dinner. We sat around and talked about accents, our time in Melbourne, living in the US, what it was like to life in Africa, and so much more. The food was amazing and the conversation was even better.
L to R: Simon, Jane, Me, Alex, Harvey & Adam
We took the next day to explore the city of Melbourne and met again for dinner at home. Harvey and Adam shared their enjoyment of Scotch while Jane and I shared ours of wine. We felt like we could converse for days. Oh, and they had two wonderful pups- Buddy and Oly. Buddy wasn’t too fond of Adam, but he seemed to warm up when I was around. Smart pup!
Harvey & Buddy!
Harvey & Jane- Thank you for opening your home to us. We are so glad we have connected with you two and can’t wait until we can meet again. Until then, we will stay in touch and forever remember our time spent with you.

We have been so fortunate to come across heaps of incredibly nice people during our travels so far.

We are almost out of Melbourne. But until then, it’s time to relax.

Here’s to new friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole and Adam. We loved reading this blog - especially all the compliments. :=) How lucky were we that our paths crossed - you are welcome to come and stay again anytime. We are away this week-end up in the high country with Harvey's hunting buddy - hopefully they will get something so that we can fill our freezer again. It is going to be pretty cold up there MAX 13 C (which I know is not that cold for you guys). I think a few bottles of red are going to be consumed. Have fun in Thailand. Adam I reckon your checked shirt will be to warm to wear in Thailand even with out its arms. Ha ha. Please keep your blogs going or putting up your pics on FB as we would love to follow you on your special journey.
